Mihaela has a strong background in visual arts. After studying Graphic Arts at UNARTE Bucharest, she obtained both her bachelor's and master's degrees in "The Art of Etching." With a deep passion for drawing and beauty, Mihaela feels incredibly fortunate to work in the field she has studied.
During her university studies, Mihaela's perspective on art took an interesting turn. A close friend introduced her to the world of tattoos as an independent artist in their own studio. Mihaela was captivated by the impressive results and the relaxed and inspirational working environment. She noticed that the art of tattoos shared similarities with etching, requiring the same level of patience and concentration.
However, what fascinated her the most was the ability to create permanent art on someone's skin. The idea of enhancing someone's self-image or creating meaningful works and receiving instant feedback filled her with joy and an unstoppable desire to delve deeper into this form of art.
For those getting tattooed for the first time, Mihaela's best advice is to eat, sleep, and stay hydrated before the tattoo session. Mihaela understands that choosing to get a tattoo is a significant decision, and ensuring physical and mental well-being is a top priority.